acute intermittent porphyrias การใช้
- Other commentators have suggested that Vincent van Gogh may have suffered from acute intermittent porphyria.
- The patient's underlying condition was probably acute intermittent porphyria, which can be provoked by medicines.
- He noted that Van Gogh appears to have suffered a congenital condition called acute intermittent porphyria, whose psychiatric conditions can be drug induced.
- The urine screening test has been known to fail in the initial stages of a severe, life-threatening attack of acute intermittent porphyria.
- Lennox Gastaut syndrome and drug resistant / drug refractory epilepsy have been recorded with neurovisceral porphyrias including acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria and variegate porphyria.
- An attack of acute intermittent porphyria may be precipitated by one of the " four M's " : medication, menstruation, malnutrition, maladies.
- It is believed that Mary, Queen of Scots King George III's ancestor also suffered from acute intermittent porphyria, although this is subject to much debate.
- After various failed attempts to diagnose Mark, House tests Marks urine for porphobilinogen; the test turns out positive, and Mark is diagnosed with acute intermittent porphyria ( AIP ).
- Hirschsprung's disease, hypoganglionosis, gut dysmotility, gut transit disorders and intussusception have been recorded with the dominantly inherited neurovisceral porphyrias ( acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, variegate porphyria ).
- The most well-known health issue involving porphobilinogen deaminase is acute intermittent porphyria, an autosomal dominant genetic disorder where insufficient hydroxymethylbilane is produced, leading to a build-up of porphobilinogen in the cytoplasm.
- Defects in various enzymes in synthesis of heme can lead to group of disorder called porphyrias, these include acute intermittent porphyria, congenital erythropoetic porphyria, porphyria cutanea tarda, hereditary coproporphyria, variegate porphyria, erythropoietic protoporphyria.
- RCOG specifically note current venous thromboembolism, current or past history of breast cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and acute intermittent porphyria as conditions where the advantages of using emergency contraceptive pills generally outweigh the theoretical or proven risks.
- Up to 90 % of the genetic carriers of the more common, dominantly inherited acute hepatic porphyrias ( acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, variegate porphyria ) have been noted in DNA tests to be latent for classic symptoms and may require DNA or enzyme testing.
- This mechanism is of therapeutic importance : infusion of " heme arginate " or " hematin " and glucose can abort attacks of acute intermittent porphyria in patients with an inborn error of metabolism of this process, by reducing transcription of ALA synthase.
- Frederic Chopin may have had cystic fibrosis, Vincent van Gogh may have had a metabolic disorder called acute intermittent porphyria, King George III almost certainly had acute intermittent porphyria ( which occasionally turned him mad and into a fit subject for a movie ) and Abraham Lincoln is thought to have had Marfan syndrome, another connective disease that results in great height, puffed out, pigeon breast and enlarged extremities.
- Frederic Chopin may have had cystic fibrosis, Vincent van Gogh may have had a metabolic disorder called acute intermittent porphyria, King George III almost certainly had acute intermittent porphyria ( which occasionally turned him mad and into a fit subject for a movie ) and Abraham Lincoln is thought to have had Marfan syndrome, another connective disease that results in great height, puffed out, pigeon breast and enlarged extremities.